Saturday, March 23, 2013

Check whether some number exist in the column ... T? F?

Check whether some number exist in the column ... T? F?

A1 = 5
A2 = 3
A3 = 1

Check for number 7 answer False
Check for number 1 answer True

Icing on the cake .... how many times does it exist?
6 hours ago

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

To check if the numbers 7 or 1 appear in A1:A50:

=IF(COUNTIF(A1:A50,7)>0, "True", "False")
=IF(COUNTIF(A1:A50,1)>0, "True", "False")

Otherwise, just to count the occurrences:


Friday, March 22, 2013

Excel Ceiling Roundup Functions

Excel Question: What IF Function to use Cell A1 1 to 10 Value 1, 11-20 value 2, 21-30 value 3, ...?

31 to 40 value 4, 41 to 50 value 5.
example A1 = 05 then B1 = 1
A1 = 11 then B1 = 2
A1 = 30 then B1 = 3
A1 = 38 then B1 = 4
A1 = 46 then B1 = 5

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

it would be easier to make this a mathematical function than a logical function
instead of using many IF statements to check the value, you can use a formula like this

=CEILING(A1,10)/10 or =ROUNDUP(A1/10,0)