Friday, May 31, 2013

Excel Question: print the current time in Excel Cell?

Select a cell and hold the CONTROL + SHIFT keys and press colon to insert time.

Use CONTROL + semicolon to insert the date.

(If you use the =now() formula in a cell, the present date and time will be inserted - but it will update to the present date/time every time the sheet is recalculated.)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

the IF Excel Function

Nesting the AND function inside the IF function
=IF(AND(B1>100,B2>100,B3>100),”Over Budget”,”Acceptable”)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Check whether some number exist in the column ... T? F?

Check whether some number exist in the column ... T? F?

A1 = 5
A2 = 3
A3 = 1

Check for number 7 answer False
Check for number 1 answer True

Icing on the cake .... how many times does it exist?
6 hours ago

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Member since: May 27, 2008

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

To check if the numbers 7 or 1 appear in A1:A50:

=IF(COUNTIF(A1:A50,7)>0, "True", "False")
=IF(COUNTIF(A1:A50,1)>0, "True", "False")

Otherwise, just to count the occurrences:


Friday, March 22, 2013

Excel Ceiling Roundup Functions

Excel Question: What IF Function to use Cell A1 1 to 10 Value 1, 11-20 value 2, 21-30 value 3, ...?

31 to 40 value 4, 41 to 50 value 5.
example A1 = 05 then B1 = 1
A1 = 11 then B1 = 2
A1 = 30 then B1 = 3
A1 = 38 then B1 = 4
A1 = 46 then B1 = 5

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

it would be easier to make this a mathematical function than a logical function
instead of using many IF statements to check the value, you can use a formula like this

=CEILING(A1,10)/10 or =ROUNDUP(A1/10,0)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Excel Transposing Tables

 How to Transpose Table A1: J5 to Table A6: E15?

Best Answer -

1) Select the range A1:J5

2) Right-click and select Copy

3) Right-click on A6 and select Paste Special

4) In the Paste Special window select Transpose (bottom right) and press OK

3 days ago Report Abuse 0 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer

Asker's Rating: Asker's Comment: Simple and solve the problem.

Without knowing exactly how you wish to 'transpose' the range A1:J5 into A6:E15, here is one method using a BeforeDoubleClick event handler. It is assumed that you wish to 'move' the data, so after the 'transpose', range A1:J5 will be cleared.

Copy the following code to the clipboard (highlight the entire code, right click inside the code, and 'Copy').

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, _

Cancel As Boolean)

Dim i, j, k

For i = 6 To 15

For j = 1 To 5

For k = 1 To 10

Cells(i, j).Value = Cells(j, k).Value

Next k

Next j

Next i


Target.Offset(0, 1).Select

End Sub

Select the worksheet containing the data you wish to transpose and right click the sheet tab at the bottom.

Select 'View Code'.

Paste the event handler into the white editing area to the right.

Close the VBE.

Double click any cell to transpose the data.

Here is the manner in which the data will be 'moved'. Assume you have the numbers 1-5 in range A1:J5, arranged with the 1's in row one, the 2's in row two, the 3's in row three, etc.

After the event handler runs, the 1's will be in column A, the 2's in column B, the 3's in column C, etc. If this is not the manner in which you wish the data to read, please advise.